Who we are
The Youth Center of Kalamata is a structure based completely on volunteers in which there are no political or religious parties involved.

Our goal
The Youth Center of Kalamata aims to offer learning opportunities and social empowerment without the inclusion of economical trades.

Our vision
A society with less inequality, no exclusion of individuals or social groups, more opportunities and better human relations.
What the Y.C. is

The Youth Center of Kalamata is a space that had been long missing from the city. A space created by young people for young people. A space for creation, culture, art and intercultural dialogue. It started as a non-profit initiative of K.A.NE. (Social Youth Development), that is working to promote sustainable development of local society as well as active citezenship. Now the Youth centre of Kalamata is on the process to become a fully independed, voluntary based organisation supported on a self-funded basis.
The youth center is open to everybody who wishes to participate in the existing workshops or propose their own. In general, we are inspired by the idea of active citizens exchanging knowledge for common personal and social development.
Finally, the place stays open during the week thanks to the association’s volunteers coming from all around Europe. These volunteers are in Kalalmata because they like the idea the Y.C. represents or under the framework of the european educational programme « Youth in Action ».
More specifically, the Youth Center offers:
– Skills exchange workshops
…because learning is for everyone…
– Possibility to participate in training courses of non formal education and in youth exchanges in Greece and abroad.
… because everyone has a right to knowledge…
– cultural events, exhibitions of photography, painting, etc.
…because it is culture that makes a society special …
– Bookcrossing point
…because books are alive and free to travel from hand to hand…
– Information point for youth mobility projects (volunteerism abroad)
…because Europe is a neighbourhood easy to discover …
– Place for relaxation and creation (and alternative/ creative entertainment).
– Free wireless internet.
– Projection of films and documentaries
– Free space for the local youth…
…and of course your ideas, suggestions, initiatives…
The Center is open from Monday till Thursday, 17:00 to 22:00.
Finally, all youth workers(people who work with associations, NGOs, public authorities etc) are welcome to take part in this action. The Youth Center area is also available for the events of other NGOs, associations, citizens.
You are welcome to bug us for more information at the Kalamata Youth Center : Plateia Othonos 10, Historical Center of Kalamata, or by email to info@ngokane.org or kentroneon@ngokane.org .
Do you want to join our group?
In the Youth Center of Kalamata we are always open to new members. Come to meet us, learn more about our work and help the Youth Center become an even better place!